This is the Rector of UPTL.
Again, lots of text. So sad..
There is a strong need to QA and accreditation. According to them, Colombia seems to be doing very well on Distance Education reglamentation. It is the only country, along with Brasil and Costa Rica, to have Distance Education guidelines.
If Colombia is one of the strongest countries in the region, who is working in CALED? It seems to be the UNAD and University Javeriana. The thing is that Distance Education is not e-Learning.
Self-question: Making studies on, let's say, e-Learning, and writing reports on those studies makes someone an expert on the development of e-Learning solutions? CHECK!!!
Alfa-Rueda network, on Distance Education quality standards. I remember something I heard (maybe from Jay Cross?) in the Future of Education conference: something like "Standards are built for things that doesn't change frequently"...
There is an online self-assessment tool…
They were doing courses on DE quality. They found that people didn't even knew what was DE, so they made courses on this basic subject.
Myths of e-Learning quality:
- Market as origin of the subject of quality.
- Discovering the wheel.
- The purpose of quality evaluation is quality evaluation.
- Making life hard: The myth of perfect rationality.
- We discuss little details, but accept willingly big mistakes. (Colamos un mosquito y nos tragamos un camello).
- ICT as key factor
- Change anything in order to be original, even if there's no need to.
Knowledge assessment scorecards!!!
The rector highlights the importance of focusing on the USE.
It is so refreshing to see a Rector who is so well informed about these issues.
Quality and values are the most important subjects for the LAC Universities on the 21st century.
Mental note: The great breakthroughs of humanity didn't happen on comitees.