So, this is my first post in this blog I'll try to keep alive. The person responsible for getting me to say something into the blogsphere (after a lot of time of being just a lurker) is Stephen Downes. He came to Bogota last week to help us with a couple of presentations in a conference about Educational uses of Learning Objects and High Speed Academic Networks. I got the chance to talk a lot to Stephen, and he helped me realize one of the biggests obstacles for us (Colombian teachers and researchers): We are not that used to share, and we are not that used to write (I mean blogging, more on this later).
So, the best way to go from discourse to reality is to act, so here I am, writing my first blog entry. I have to say, anyway, that I'll be posting both in English and Spanish (in my other blog). Why English? Because it helps us to keep in touch with so many interesting people around the world. Why Spanish? Because is my mother language, I love it, and we really need to get our teachers and researchers to express their opinions.
I have to say something else about the opinions and ideas that I will be expressing here. They do not compromise the organizations I work with actually (Universidad de los Andes, Ministerio de Educación Nacional, Universidad EAFIT). Many of my thoughts will definitely have to do with the work I'm doing in these institutions, but they remain my personal view of the world.
And the last disclaimer: Please, please, I would like you all readers to forgive me for my english writing flaws and limitations. I really hope some of the things I'll write make sense, and I'll try and get better over time.
So, that was it. My first blog post. Not as painful as I thought it could be... LOL
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Cita estilo APA:
Leal, Diego. (). A new beginning. Consultado en January 18, 2010, del sitio Web La suma de las Partes:
Cita estilo AMA:
Leal D. A new beginning. La suma de las Partes. . Disponible en: Consultado en January 18, 2010.
Cita estilo Chicago:
Leal, Diego. . A new beginning. La suma de las Partes. (consultado en January 18, 2010).
Cita estilo Harvard:
Leal, D , A new beginning, La suma de las Partes. Consultado en January 18, 2010, en <>
Cita estilo MLA:
Leal, Diego. "A new beginning." . La suma de las Partes. Consultado en 18 Jan. 2010. <>